12 Dec

I am proud to announce that OpenShot Video Editor has just hit an important milestone. We have been included in our first Linux distribution, AV Linux 3. AV Linux is a LiveDVD based on Debian, running the LXDE desktop environment. It features a full complement of the best FOSS Multimedia Applications available, allowing users to ...

24 Noi

Over the past 20 days we have been hard at work on many new features and enhancements. One of the unique things about OpenShot has always been our close interaction with our community (that's you). We listen to your feedback, and fix what you don't like. In that spirit, I have brought with ...

20 Oct

OpenShot Video Editor was built with the idea that it's User Interface could be skinned or themed, but until now we've only had our default theme. That all changes today:

Today we are releasing our 2nd theme for OpenShot (version 0.9.52), in the spirit of the Tango-style. It was contributed by ...